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Living Two Lives

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 195 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

There are people who live two lives.

The one that they wish to be and the one that they have to be. Some people believe that they have to do certain things in order to be accomplished or at least be successful. They believe that when they go to work, they have to act a certain way. They have to speak in a stern assertive fashion. They may even believe that they say things that are not true to accomplish a goal.

But, when they come home they live a different life. One that lets them know they need to be nice and kind, and they do it with integrity.

Now I ask you, why would anyone have two lives?

Why would anyone live in two worlds?

Why not combine the both and live one life?

One world, one way, one direction with only one Creator. When the world was created, options were given to all creations. Either to do everything they were designed to be or to do less than they were designed to be. Since you have the choice in your life why not choose to be all that you were designed to be and do it with integrity, kindness, and with patience.

You don’t need to lie, cheat, or get upset. You don’t need to do anything that is improper to succeed. To the contrary, if you were to choose the right path and do things with integrity and honesty you will succeed even more.

Even though, it may seem in the beginning that it is a challenge, I can tell you for a fact that you will succeed. Try it, see what happens. I can tell you the answer will be positive. I can guarantee you that.

Go ahead and do it, and change your life for the better.

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