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Love Me

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 201 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

The word love can be used in such a wide variety of situations, we often lose its concept. Children are the best ones to express what love means. When you look at a child, a small baby doesn’t ask for anything. The small baby is just there and they look at you with a warm, kind, deep sigh. They have just slept and if they have been fed, and finished their needs, they are just looking at you. What they say is, “Love me. Love me for who I am, love me for what I bring to the world. Don’t look at some of the things which make me sometime not the person you want me to be. Don’t think of me as a difficult portion of your life. Don’t look at me as an opportunity to do things that are not supposed to be done. Love me for who I am and let me love you the way I want you to love me.”

That’s what a baby says. It is true, when you have the opportunity to look at a beautiful baby. The color, the age, the gender, ethnicity, religion, none of this matters. A baby is a human being full of love, who asks for nothing in return. They look at you with beautiful, big, bright eyes, saying, “Love me.” Without any conditions, no prescriptions and absolutely no requirements, and it’s all free. Once you have the opportunity to do that, then you realize you have now reached the ultimate level of life in its best way. There’s nothing more exotic, more beautiful than this, looking at the baby’s eyes and knowing that there’s just love, and that’s all they ask.

When you have the opportunity next time to be around a baby, look at them. When you see that love being transposed and that sharing of that special moment, remember to love every human being, every one of them, the same way, unconditionally, not asking for anything in return. That is true love and that’s what “Love me” means. I wanted to write this lesson today because I had the opportunity to hold my grandchild just a couple of hours ago, and it was such a beautiful feeling and I looked into his eyes and that’s what he said to me; in no uncertain terms with those beautiful eyes,

“Love me, Papi,” and I do.

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