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Loyal to Yourself

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 149 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Many people have a hard time or find it challenging or difficult to associate with or even live among others. Now, I ask you the question, why would that be an issue? Why can’t you be part of the whole world and be happy where you are? That doesn’t mean that the world dictates what you’re going to do or certainly guide you into the directions that they wish. You have the choice to do whatever you wish, and it is a given gift from Heaven and the Creator of the world, that each and every human being in this world, the only life on Earth which has 100% unadulterated option on every single decision, and it’s called free will. But you have to remain loyal to who you are.

By remaining loyal to yourself, there is a part of you there that is always in touch with your soul. There is a place in you that is absolutely wholesome, pure, and untarnished; and that’s yourself. That’s you; that’s who you are, that’s your inner being, that’s the core of your being. That part never gets tarnished or never gets sullied by anything. It’s you.

Now of course, you’ll meet people along the way that might guide you or misguide you. You’ll meet people along the way that might lead you or push you. You’ll meet people along the way that might even at times hurt you, but the core being of who you are and what you’ve got that will always be you, and that’s your soul. Once you’re in touch with your soul and you are loyal to it, know that it has a mission to accomplish in this world. The mission is quite simple: do everything you can within your power on any given moment to be better today than you were yesterday.

“That’s all it is.”  Now you may say, “Well, what does that mean practically? What do I have to look for? What are the things that I have to do?”

Loyal to yourself means not wearing a mask, knowing exactly who you are. When a person wears a mask, they cover everything up. You don’t have to do that. You just need to be loyal to yourself and know who you are by accepting the core as well as the outer shell of your being. Once you reach that, you’re a different person. You now have no more excuses to make up and no more options or answers to give to anyone else. That’s who you are. That’s who you are meant to be. Be loyal to yourself and to your soul, and do the best that you can in everything you do.

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