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Miracle Day

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 136 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

There is a story told about a young child who was spending a vacation on a farm. He had been raised in the city and he did not know much. He was shown a hen sitting on a nest of eggs and told that someday a little chicken, small chicks, would actually come out from each one of those eggs. Now you can imagine, the child at this time was delighted and so excited.

This was a dramatic idea and every single morning he rushed to the hen to find out if the eggs had hatched. He was looking for the miracle-day every single morning. With great anticipation, he would run to the hen, but every day that passed, nothing happened. The eggs still looked exactly the same.

Over time, the boy’s face waned and he became disappointed. One day he gave up hope all together, and he told himself that he had been deceived and nothing would ever happen.

The next day, however out of habit, he went to see the nest as usual, without any hope. But on that very day, lo and behold, it was such a joy to see a group of beautiful little chickens running around. His happiness was ecstatic.

Now of course, we know that wonderful changes had been taking place all this time behind the little shells and that there was nothing to show for it… Until the very last moment, when these chicks, which were not quite ready, but when they were perfect and complete they emerged from there as chicks.

In life, miracles happen all the time. We don’t see them. We often lose faith and lose hope. But don’t. The hold that you have on your mind or the hold that you have in your thoughts should not be there. These miracles happen. They happen all the time. Give it time; sometimes give it space. But most of all, give it your trust. Give it your belief. And let these miracles happen – you will be pleased that you did.

You will be surprised when the day comes. And this will indeed be a great day – the opportunity for you to enjoy, see, and share in the beauty of the miracle.

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