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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 116 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

What is a mission? If you think about it, it’s any important task or duty that is assigned. Sometimes self-imposed, sometimes given from someone else.

A mission is an important goal, or purpose, that is accompanied by strong conviction, calling, or even a vocation. It has been sent for someone’s duty or purpose. Ambition is what you have at hand- it’s what you’re created for.

What is your mission, and how do you plan your mission in this world?

What rules?

What conditions?

What aspect of your mission are you fulfilling today?

Every day is an opportunity to take your mission and fulfil it to the best of your abilities and possibilities. This is possible for you.

Nothing can stop you. Nothing!

With a mission comes a sender and the One who sent you for this mission knows that the reason why you were sent on this mission is one reason and one reason only: that you can do it!

You can do it with conviction and certainty.

You can do it with success and pleasure.

You can accomplish this mission and finish it, then return when you’re finished, and claim your victory.

Don’t delay your mission, or the purpose of your mission. Accomplish it with joy and strength and all your abilities. In the meantime, be sure to stay focused and do it because that is the reason you were sent here!

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