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Morning Prayer

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 176 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

If you want to start your day successfully, it’s particularly helpful to immerse yourself in prayer first thing in the morning. When we confront the world anew each morning, our planet and everything in it, can seem to exist self-sufficiently, as if there was no Creator at all. Morning prayers will help you recognize that the world could not exist on its own and that its purpose is to be made into a home where the Creator can reside.

Beginning your day this way will help you consciously avoid activities that don’t further this goal. It will help take care of things that are appropriate, necessary, and helpful to make this world a better place. Using every moment and every opportunity to fulfill this purpose is why we are created.

If you’re prepared, you can engage in worldly pursuits and you won’t fear that they will become waters that engulf you. You won’t even be overwhelmed by anxiety, stress, or distractions. You will be focused and you will be happy.

Starting with a prayer will give you the ability to know where you are going, what you are doing, and what you are doing it for.

Start with a prayer every day. Choose a prayer of its own character, of its own built. Choose one that makes you feel good and has meaning. That is the ultimate way to start your day.

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