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My Attitude List

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216 dailywisdom youtube

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 216 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

I wanted to share with you a list of 10 conditions, aspirations, and phrases which you can use as an “Attitude List”. Things to make your attitude better.

Condition your mind at the beginning of each day so that you will be positive, and think everything that is done for you and with you, will be good.

Laugh when you become angry or irritated. Make it a habit.

Start each day by being grateful. The benefit of the adversity and the blessing that you get, everything is a blessing for you. Be grateful for that.

Concentrate on everything that you can do as part of your challenge, and do it now.  Don’t think of the ‘cannot’ – focus on the ‘can’.

Look at your life as a continuous learning process. Learn from your own experiences, and learn to grow with them.

Work on becoming more and more open minded, patient, generous, giving, and sharing with others.

Go out of your way to appreciate others’ good qualities. See the good in them and everything that they do and say.

Accept all circumstances as an occasion of productivity.

Refute in any way, shape, or form, anything which is not good, with a vengeance. Refute it and let it go. Do not concentrate, focus, or even be part of that.

If you’re feeling sorry for yourself, find and help someone who is worse off than you are. And you will see that you will feel much better.

These are only suggestions. You can follow them, or you can make your own list. You could tear it up and change it. But let it fit you, in your heart, so that you can have a good life. Every day.

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