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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 208 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Imagine you could open your eyes to see only the good in every person.

Imagine you could open your eyes to see the positive in every circumstance.

Imagine you could open your eyes to see the opportunity in every challenge.

How would your life be? Think about this, if you only saw the good in everyone that you meet and everyone that you see, how would the world be?

Imagine, instead of looking at it in a negative way, you would see the positive aspect, you would greatly grow from every circumstance.

Imagine if every challenge that happens in your life, and the things that occur, you would see the opportunities that lay in them. What a different world that would be! What a different opportunity you would have. A life of growth, understanding, joy, and happiness.

Happiness is not an accident, it is an art. It is something that you design. You are the master of your own destiny and you could be the architect of your own future, if you wish to.

Imagine the way that you want to be, make that image your life purpose, and live that way. You will see such a beautiful world out there.

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