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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 145 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

A couple of days ago, I drove by a street and was taken aback by what I saw. On the sidewalk, on all four corners, from one side of the street to the other, instead of having just those parallel lines where the pedestrians walk, I actually saw keyboards. Someone, in a genuine and unadulterated manner, but in such a beautiful way, had drawn piano keys. The full keyboards on all sidewalks. As you go around and see the cross street on one side sidewalk to the other, instead of walking between parallel lines and just blank asphalt, you actually walked on piano keys.

Then, I saw something very interesting: on each side of the street was a young boy that kept waiting for the light to turn red and then he would run back and forth as though he was playing the keyboards using his feet, making music. I thought this was so original.

I’m not sure exactly who came up with this idea but it’s quite unique. If you think about it, who would take the time to draw a keyboard on each side of the street? Obviously, that person had to have authorization because the keyboard crossed the whole way from one side to the other. Now it was designed in such a way where you actually believe that while you are walking and crossing the street, you are playing notes.

Isn’t that life in its ultimate way? If you think about that. Isn’t it what each day represents, a different note on a keyboard of a symphony of our life? Each and every day represent a sound, and if you listen to it all together, that is the symphony of your life and mine. It’s the music that we play.

Sometimes, when we miss a note and somehow put the pressure on the wrong key it sounds somewhat different. But in reality, the symphony doesn’t realize that one note was missing. It was just a note. So, sometimes when you find yourself making a mistake throughout the day, don’t focus on that mistake. Don’t look so hard and punish yourself by saying, “Look what I did.” Why not look at the whole symphony and know that at the end of days, the symphony that you’ve created is a beautiful part of music that makes the world and your world enchanting, loving, caring, and giving? So, enjoy it.

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