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Painful News

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 150 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

What does a person do when they hear painful news? News that hurt you, possibly that might even make you cry? You see, it’s not alright to cry for yourself for things that happened to you, but it’s okay to cry for another person. That’s what tears are for. They were given by the Creator of the world for anyone to use for others, for the pain that you feel “for them”. That might also affect you but it’s really truly for them. Otherwise, that’s a waste of tears.

So, what do you do when you hear painful news about another, especially something that could be hurtful or to a certain extent, dangerous? What would you do with that news? I’ll tell you what you do.

First and foremost, pray. Pray to the Creator of the world that this news be temporary.

Second, have Faith. Faith begins where actual intelligence stops.

Third, have Trust. Trust in the belief that this pain is temporary; it won’t last and you have the power to change it.

Fourth, act and react both mentally, physically, psychologically, and spiritually. Do whatever you can in your power to change it, to conform it to a place that is more real for you.

You may say, “But it is painful, what should I do?” You don’t have to accept it. You can refute it, and with enough positive energy, you can overcome it. As a matter of fact, our purpose in this world is not to eradicate darkness or conceal it, but it is to bring more light. Focus on the light, focus on the goodness, focus on the good things, and you’ll see that you’ll be able to overcome any obstacle.

One more thing, which is important to know: if it is painful or hurtful, or somehow to a certain extent, difficult for you to accept, know that you’re not alone. There are other people who are there with you and you can overcome it. Join yourself with a group: siblings, family members, or colleagues and pray, and your answers will come through, guaranteed.

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