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Peeling an Orange

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 218 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

There’s an interesting concept about peeling an orange… Some people peel the orange using their fingers. Others use a knife, and others use both.

I’ll tell you a short story about my own father. When I was younger my father was sitting across the table from me and watched me peel an orange. Once I had finished, although I thought I had done nothing wrong, I picked up all the peels and threw them in the garbage.

My father, in his wisdom, just watched me and didn’t say any words. Then, he came to me and said, “Peeling an orange is systematic. It has to be done in an organized fashion and this is how life is.”

Then he continued, “Even when you peel an orange you have to do it in a proper way, in a manner which is elegant. Therefore, the peels themselves will be taken off in a categorical, measured way, and then thrown out.” I had heard that, but at the time I didn’t understand what he was talking about. I was still too young to realize the importance of being a “good person”.

A good person is one who watches everything that that they do, irrespective of where they are and the conditions in which they find themselves into.

This is living life with elegance. A lifestyle which is unique. A way to live, above and beyond. An opportunity to experience and be the best that you can be. At all times. Irrespective of the location or the circumstances you find yourself into.

Even when peeling an orange, you should do it in a proper, elegant manner. This will help you become a better person. A greater person. In everything that you do.

You deserve it because you are human being. Humans have the power to rise above and beyond, at all times. It was a great lesson for me, and I’ve kept that way all the rest of my years. Up until today. I wish the same for you. Because you deserve it!

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