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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 365 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

It is interesting that the Bible describes humankind in four different terms. It says in describing the unique qualities of the humankind there are four terms that are used. One says, “it’s the quality of the mind and the intellect”; it is a certain type of person. Another one is that “the quality of the heart and the emotion”. The third kind, is “the weakness on either the intellect or the emotion or both”. The fourth kind is the person who “overcomes the inner weakness or remove the obstacles and hindrances to the attainment of some kind of intellectual or emotional quality”.

Each and every one of these unique qualities of different humans are present in all of us. Each one of us try, at any given time, to enhance or make better what was in our life. We don’t know how much there is and sometimes, we don’t know how much we can do but one thing is for sure: we’ve all been given the opportunities to overcome these emotions. Humankind as it is known, can do whatever it wants to. You can control your emotions. You can direct your heart. You can instruct and teach your intellect. You can overcome any weakness or hindrances at any given time. (more…)



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 364 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Many times, we have spoken in these lessons about the fact that we have two parts to ourselves, to each human being. A part which is a good part, that helps us do the good things and the things that are necessary to make us a better person and help this world around us. The other is an animalistic part. One that makes us do things not in the most appropriate manner. But can often drive us to do things which are even inappropriate.

If we really want to affect the person that you are and certainly our individual traits—if we’d like to eliminate some of the things that we need to have better than what we have since the day we were born, one concept is to try to get rid of the conceit within ourselves. Conceit is so powerful.

How can we get rid of it? (more…)

Can I Do This

Can I Do This

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 363 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

This is something we have spoken about before, but I believe strongly in the understanding and the belief in yourself. I know for a fact—and this is something which I’ve always believed in—that each and every human being has the power to do whatever they wish.

With the forces of nature, the goodness of the ultimate worlds, and with the help of G-d, anyone can do what they want. But you have to ask yourself, “Do I still believe I can do this? Am I able to?”

The most important ingredient of success is belief in yourself and what you’re striving towards. There’s nothing more important than that. The highest ambitions are nothing if think about it without the conviction that you can actually reach them. It’s just an ambition, but you have to believe that. You have to know that. (more…)

Game Plan

Game Plan

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 362 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Have you ever asked a question and thought about the concept of what you’re doing and what you want to do? What is your game plan, this is a question to ask many times throughout your year, throughout your life. While you are challenging yourself, you should also map out some strategies that will allow you to become more efficient and precise at what you’re doing.

If you’re trying to work faster and better, you need to develop routines and processes that will allow you to do so. You need to sit down and create a physical map and a plan that will take you through all of these concepts and get you to where you are trying to go to at a certain time. This is what it’s all about. (more…)



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 361 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Have you ever asked the question, “What do all creations in our world have in common? Which part of existence is so essential that the world can’t live without it? Do you know? If we remove the color blue from the world, what would happen? What is the one thing that the world has to have in order to exist?”

It’s an interesting question, isn’t it?

Let me suggest that the one thing that all creation has in common is limitation. Every creation has its own personal limitation and boundaries beginning somewhere and ending somewhere else. Starting at one time and ending at another time. There are two primary ingredients in the element of limitation in our world: there’s time and there’s place. There is nothing in our world that can say it experiences yesterday and tomorrow as exactly the same, or that north and south are equivalent. That can never be said, it is not possible. (more…)

Learn From Mistakes

Learn From Mistakes

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 360 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Life is about the accumulation of many experiences. Some which could be fun and pleasant, and others which may seem challenging and difficult. Now at times, especially in our professional life, but certainly in our life in general, we make mistakes. The most important question is not so much, why did this mistake happen and what it is that I have done to cause that mistake?

But are you learning from that mistake?

Am I learning from each and every mistake that has happened?

See most patterns of success typically includes plenty of failures. That’s just the way things are. That is completely normal and even healthy. However, the important thing is that you’re learning and you are rarely making the same mistake twice. You don’t want to repeat the mistakes. You want to learn from it and move on. (more…)

Finding the Right Niche

Finding the Right Niche

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 359 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Professionally, you should ask yourself on a regular basis if what you’re doing is what you should be doing. You should ask yourself, “Am I in the right niche?” If you don’t have passion for what you do in the way that you’re doing it, you won’t be motivated to overcome the natural barriers and the obstacles often that life puts in the way of success.

Even if you started out with passion by the bucket full, it can fade away. At one point in time it may not be there. It is so important to routinely check with yourself, and your motivation, “Am I in the right niche?”

If you feel like your passion, your ambitions, your drive is waning, and you’re burning out then you may want to change. You may find something so that it is necessary to reignite the energy for the business that you’re doing. (more…)

All About Me

All About Me

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 325 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Life is all about “me.” Often people say things such as, “The world was created just for you.”

Now if that is true, then the question is what are you going to do about it? There are things that we need to be selfish about. Those things are particular to what it is that makes us different than others. But selfishness is not a good trait.

It is interesting when a person says, “Everything is all about me at the end of the day.” This is subjective to selfishness and conflicting interests. But if you pay attention to other people and the collective effort focused on being unselfish, it not only brings unity among people but it brings success in everything that you do. (more…)

Seeing & Believing

Seeing & Believing

Inspiration: Above and Beyond – Day 356

What I am going to share with you today that may be difficult to accept. But I want you to know that this is a fact, the truth, and something which is real in all aspect of life. When you go through a challenge or a difficulty in life—and it may seem to you as a curse.

But in reality, the way that it appears to you right now the reason for this difficulty, this challenge, this curse, this problem is actually divine. It is so great that to be revealed within our limited world and the way that we live, it must afford the disguise and look as a curse. Quite amazing.

Now our challenge is to see in this perspective, rather than falling into the trap of becoming angry with what happened, with G-d, with nature, or the pain and negativity that exists in order to provide us with a free choice. (more…)

Sacrificing Principle

Sacrificing Principle

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 355 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

There are times in our lives when we are challenged to the point where our principles are being questioned and often put to the test. This is not so simple. We have within ourselves a constant battle. One which tries to push us to do the best that we can for good things. That is a holy part of our body, of our consciousness, of our being. The other tries to make us do things which are improper or in a way which is not beneficial to ourselves or to the rest of the world.

This battle goes on continuously within ourselves. Now at times, often during the day as we meet other people, we also find ourselves being challenged certainly in a way where our own principles are being questioned. What do we do at that time? How do we overcome that? How do we resist this drive and overcome the possibility of doing things which is not proper? (more…)

The Vast Ocean

The Vast Ocean

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 354 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Have you ever taken the time and stood by the ocean and looked at it? It’s quite incredible and impressive. A majestic look of above and beyond imagination. It’s hard to believe and is interesting that it is said that all that exists on dry land also exists in the ocean. It’s hard to believe, isn’t it? The ocean is home to a vast diversity of minerals, plant life, and millions upon millions of living creatures. Can you imagine that?

However, all that exists that we see at least on land, is readily discernable. But yet when we see this, and we’re told the ocean has all of it. We don’t see any of that. All we see is the vast universe. We’re told and that’s so besides the fact that it’s beneath the surface of the waters, and the waters conceal all of their existence. (more…)

Action is What Matters

Action is What Matters

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 353 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Often you meet people that speak about what the right way is to live and what the best thing to do is to become a person of value in this world and to make this world a better place to be, not just for us but for everyone around us? Truly there is one concept that stands above and beyond. There are three emotive concepts that we often speak about. One is the thought, one is the speech, and the other is the action.

A thought is whereby we, as human being, have an idea. A place where a seed germinates and a certain concept develops. With this thought itself we develop ideas, concept, and many different things that will get us to move forward.

Then there’s the speech. How we express what we thought about, what we developed, and what we aspire to. (more…)



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 172 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Are children’s race, color, or creed conscience? Actually, not at all.

Children are color blind; and their creed and unconscious. They only know human beings, the way the good Lord has created; each and every one of us.

Children, unfortunately have to be taught to hate people of other colors and religion. It is us, the adults, through foolish pride and false prejudice that make children afraid of who they are and what they have.

It is the adults who take out unity from the community. There are many pathways to reach the goal of loving other people, being kind to others and making this world a wonderful place to live. One of them is called tolerance. (more…)

Age is a Number

Age is a Number

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 315 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

I’ve read some statistics recently about some of the most famous people actually became successful very late in their years. Now, what is age?

Does age have anything to do with it? You see, age is just a number. That’s all it is. It’s not the determining factor of who you are, or what you do, or what you’ve done. It’s just a number.

Doing what you love is the only criteria that truly matters. If you’re inspired and motivated by a decision that you’ve made, keep on it. Keep up with it and stay alive, alert, awake, and enthusiastic about life. If you can wake up every morning and be thankful that you are breathing, it’s a strong indication that you’re alive, and not only that, that you are healthy.

The reality is that you are never too young or old to pursue your dreams or even deepest desires. You just have to say, “Yes.” (more…)

Friendly Faces

Friendly Faces

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 352 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

There are people in our world who believe they should only be kind, or make friends with others who are extremely bright, talented, scholars, or people who are of just extreme importance.

It is good to learn and it is great to continuously grow in knowledge and have a broad sense of understanding of what the world is all about. In a profession, in areas of culture, and in every other aspect of life, this is great. However, the pursuit of such intelligence puts you in an introverted activity. That’s all it is.

It keeps you away from everybody else. Why become a hermit confined only to an elite circle of scholars; only to surround yourself with extremely intelligent people and only give them the opportunity to be around? (more…)

Marching Orders

Marching Orders

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 351 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

There are many people in our world who feel that marching orders are given only for the military. “This isn’t for me to listen to, I am not part of an army. I don’t want to listen. I don’t want to do what I’m told to do whenever someone else tells me to do it. Marching orders are not for me. I don’t like it and I’m in charge of what I want to do.”

When each and every human being was created, it was for a specific purpose. That purpose has a mission, and that mission has a tremendous amount of available strength that it comes with to help you fulfill that mission.

This mission that you were given—each and every one of us actually since the creation of the world—is to fulfill the purpose of the world and to make a better place to be for each and every one of us at all times. (more…)

Double is Better

Double is Better

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 349 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

At a certain age in life we find ourselves satisfied with our own achievements. We look around and we say, “I’ve done well. I’m okay. I have done everything that I can.” The truth is: “Are yourself are you truly satisfied with your achievements? At least your past achievements until today?”

The fact is, you shouldn’t be. You should never be satisfied with your own past achievements. Now people may say, and even tell yourself, that if you’re never satisfied with your own achievements you will drive yourself crazy. Why is that? (more…)

Taking Over

Taking Over

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 348 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

The world assumes that one only tries to spring in, over one’s trouble when all else fails. That’s the only time they try. There is however another suggestion; that is to head straight for the highway. Not to let any of these things get in the way of you accomplishing your goals, finishing a task, or taking on whatever action you want to.

There is no need to wait. There’s no way to think, and at times there’s not even need to understand. If trouble comes your way or a challenge that you think is overwhelming, don’t think, go right into it, and get rid of it. Often you will find that the trouble, circumstance, challenge, difficulty, or whatever the issue is, is nothing more than an opportunity for you to become stronger, better, and wiser. (more…)

Self-Worth Habits

Self-Worth Habits

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 347 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Just recently, I was walking down the street and there was a restaurant on the corner. A man stepped out of that restaurant and in his hand he had a toothpick wrapped in cellophane. I saw him take out the toothpick from the cellophane wrapper and threw the wrapper on the ground, and kept on walking. I picked up the wrapper and put it in the garbage can.

It occurred to me, why did this man throw the wrapper on the ground? If this was his home, would he do that? Would he just throw it on the floor? I ask you the question, “If you are at home and you open up a drawer, do you push it back? If you open up a closet and you take something out of the cabinet, do you close the door? When you sit at the table and you pull a chair to sit down, as you walk away, do you push the chair back where it belongs?” (more…)

The Reason

The Reason

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 346 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Have you ever found yourself in a situation which seems to be for absolutely no reason whatsoever? For instance you’re driving on the freeway and you’re going from point A to point B, and you make a wrong turn. The initial thought is, “I made the wrong turn. I can’t believe I did this. Where am I going? This is not the right place.” or, you find yourself in a situation where you wonder, how did you get there? What happened? What is the purpose of that? There is nothing that happens haphazardly for absolutely no reason. Nothing at all. It’s impossible.

The reason for it is because the Creator of the world has made sure that everything in this world is calculated to an endless level. Everything has a purpose, everything has a good purpose to it. That is the reason why you are there. (more…)