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Power of a Shadow

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 795 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

It is quite incredible, when you think about the power of a shadow. Depending on the time of the day the sun’s location in the sky, the very same object’s shadow will be either short and fat, or tall and thin. Since your shadow is always with you, it is actually a built-in compass.

As long as you are not in the forest or a city of skyscrapers, your shadow will be there with you until you sleep. It’s also a ready-made source of outdoor fun for kids. Do you remember when you were younger and actually tried to chase your shadow? It was always a lot of fun.

Just as the movement of a person’s body is reflected and magnified in his own shadow, every step of our conduct in this world arouses spiritual forces of incomparable power in the universe.

Think about this for a second, it is a magnifying concept. Every single action we take in the physical world and every single deed we do, has a reaction and a ramification in the whole universe.

The concept of our conduct in this world, which impacts the spiritual worlds, and the whole universe, is not really just as physical actions – it also includes even our words, and even our thoughts! It’s quite amazing.

What that means is that every action you do and every thought you have, has an effect on the universe. Is it positive or negative? Don’t think for one second that this is just limited to thoughts, it is not.

Thoughts are not only important, they are also extremely beneficial or, G-d forbid, detrimental. Nothing can stay that way. If a person is thinking very hard about another, that other person actually gets a reaction – either emotionally or physically. They have been touched.

Know that your thoughts and your action are monumental in this world, therefore whatever you do when control your thoughts and actions, always be geared towards the good; always to be geared towards the great and others. Not at the expense of others, but in the service of others. By doing that, you will lead an incredible life and leave an amazing legacy.

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