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Regular Care

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 175 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

In my younger years when I was in college, I had an apartment filled with pots and beautiful flowers and plants. I enjoyed taking care of them. I lived by myself, so it was something which helped me. It was somewhat of a therapy. I would regularly water them, cut them, trim them, and make sure that these plants got enough light.

Love is like wildflowers. Wildflowers are often found in the most unlikely places; but they need regular care as well. These wildflowers don’t need anyone per se other than divine blessings from heaven that take care of them. Often you have to give more of yourself. That’s what it takes. It seems that almost all of our unhappiness is the result of comparing ourselves to others, comparing in such a way where we find ourselves not as worthy, as smart, as beautiful, as rich. Often, people know and think that they can’t do much about their appearance; but the truth is, we have total control over the kind of person we become.

As you know, what matters in life is not so much how much we’ve got or what we do, but what we become. In the pursuit of what we try to get, what kind of person do we become? Are we kind and gentle? Are we giving? Sharing? Do we do for others without any desire of return favors or do we expect something back in return? Do we plant flowers just so we could look at them and enjoy them, or do we do it for a specific reason? That’s what life is.

No one is guaranteed happiness. Life just gives us time and space. It’s up to us to fill it in the best way that we want to; and even though at times you could do for others certain favors that will never see any return, some of those are the most rewarding. We should all plant trees that we will never sit under. It’s such a beautiful thought, if you think about it. Doing something for someone else without asking anything back in return. That should be our regular care. It should be the way that each and every day is part of our life. Nothing specific, just give without asking anything back. This is the ultimate way to live.

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