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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 202 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

People ask, “How do you have a great relationship with your spouse? With a partner, with your children, with your parents, with a colleague at work, or a neighbor? With acquaintances or friends, or people that you’re sitting next to on a flight? How do you become that person that makes others feel better than they are, so when they walk away they say, ‘This was an amazing meeting?'”

That’s the question.

Some people say it’s by obliteration. Obliteration means you don’t exist; you are nobody and whatever you do, consider yourself smaller than anybody else. Obliterate yourself, your feelings, your wants, your needs.

Imagine this in a relationship. You give up whatever you want and let the other person have everything else they want. That’s really not the way to be. There is another way to do that and that is by sublimation. Sublimation means you realize that your needs are necessary, but they may not be important to come first. You realize that another person and many others have qualities, but so do you. You don’t obliterate yourself and become like a doormat, but you don’t make anyone else feel better or worse than you. By lifting them, you rise. You make them feel good and you see the positive in them. You see the positive in everybody; because if you think about it, seeing the good in everyone changes your life.

If you take the opportunity to see every single person and find the good in each person, you can play that as a game if you want. Everyone you meet from today onward, find one good quality in them. You’ll see that it changes your views about them, and if you see negativity, whatever that may be, disregard it. Sublimation means not thinking about that negative aspect; sublimation to their goodness, and then you’ll see that everyone around you is so beautiful, and it’s incredible.

There’s so much to gain, so much to learn, so much to grow, so much to share. It becomes a different day, a different life, a different opportunity, and you will be very happy. No obliteration, we don’t need that. Just sublimation, a much better way to live.

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