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Taking vs Giving

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 110 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Have you ever thought about the difference between taking versus giving?

When you take, there’s something that you have acquired from somebody else and it benefits, more often, you than the other person.

Giving, on the other hand, benefits both people. The one giving and the one receiving. What a pleasurable thing to do!

Success is an accomplishment and an understanding of the power of an entire human life. Human life is all about giving – not taking. It is all about sharing and having the ability to enjoy everything that exists in this world with someone else.

Success is responding to an invitation to grow. To move up to a better place. By giving another, you help that person move up with you.

That is the philosophy of the giver. Helping others see themselves greater than they are by giving without any conditions and without any restrictions. Giving for the sake of others, irrespective of what you’ve got, and what your needs are. Give – and hardly ever should you take.

That is the ultimate life; ultimate level – to lead a beautiful, unadulterated, genuine life. And I wish that for you every day!

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