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Temperature Gauge

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 228 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

In life, there are two kinds of instruments that can be used to gauge temperature. One is called a thermostat and the other a thermometer.

A thermostat controls the temperature to a certain degree. Somewhat warmer or cooler, depending on your need or preference. On the other hand, although it gauges temperature, a thermometer gives you only a result of what the temperature is.

One is the action, the other one is the reaction. Now which one would you like to be? If you were to translate this into our human activity (the things that we do, things that we say, things that we actually think), if you were to act like a thermometer you would just be there, not really acting on anything. You would listen, you might follow, you might even understand, but you would let everything be the way it is. You’re not affecting the world. You’re not even making a difference — you’re just following.

There’s another way to be, and that is the way a thermostat is. A thermostat, as we said, controls the temperature. It sets a certain temperature within a room or environment. By being like the thermostat you can also change the environment that you live around. Things that you say, things that you think, things that you do, will affect everyone around you. From there, you will affect the rest of the world, even the universe. You have the ability, and you have the possibility at any given time, to change those things. It’s all up to you.

You may not want to at times, you may feel somewhat uncomfortable. But by making that difference, by becoming a lamp-lighter, you actually create a new life. You can take the energy that exists above in Heaven, and bring it down into this Earth, and make a difference. You can then set the temperature, wherever you are, to be a comfortable environment. To be a pleasant setting. To be a place where everyone wants to gather, listen, and enjoy.

Why not be like the thermostat and be the one in charge?

Why not take control of your life and help others be better than they are, and inspire them to see themselves greater than they are?

Why not do that? After all, we are all together in this world.

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