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The Elderlies

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 206 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Have you ever had the opportunity to deal with an elderly? A mother, a father, or grandmother, or grandfather, or even a great-grandfather, a great-grandmother? It can also be an uncle or someone of a distant relationship.

An elderly, to a certain extent, if you look at them, they are like children. Indeed, elderlies lose their hair, their skin becomes very smooth and you can even see right through them to see the veins popping up. They also become temperamental. They become needy. They have to eat quite often throughout the day. Some of them even need to be changed, unfortunately. Many of them need help in walking, eating, or dressing or undressing.

The elderly have within them a certain amount of power, but come their age, they start losing it. They think about that often. Elderlies think about what they had once and they no longer have. They regret it. Some of them think of their past and they wish they were younger. It’s interesting that when we are young, we want to be older, and when we become older, we wish we were young again.

An elderly person is the one that has attained a certain amount of wisdom but for various reasons, sees things in a different life now that they are at that level. They realize that all they have left among themselves and around themselves are the memories. They often lament those memories. They wish for this, or wish for that. But in reality, all of us will have to get there. Some of us, unfortunately, won’t make it all the way to an old, ripe age but many of us will. Those of us that make it there, when we get to that level, we have to remember one thing, and that is that the memories that we have created were part of life experiences and part of our mission on Earth here and now. What matters most is not so much what we have accomplished but how many people we’ve affected and how many things we’ve changed. It doesn’t quite matter whether or not we did it all by ourselves. What it does matter is that everyone that came across our way, we were able to help them become better.

An elderly person often is not able to do things for themselves, not because they don’t want to but because they can’t. It’s hard to see them sometimes become older especially if it’s a parent or a grandparent, and you wish for them so much more. You have to take care of the elderlies. They were once young just like every one of us, but think: you will get there too.

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