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The Wind

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 153 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Have you ever taken the time and listened to the wind blowing outside your window?

It’s quite impressive and at times it’s really a beautiful thing. It may feel shivering but it is quite an experience. There are many winds in life and we have all experienced the different types of winds: the wind of disappointment, wind of despair, wind of heartbreak, even wind of success, or wind of goodness.

If this is the case for the winds, why would each of us in our own individual ship of life, all begin at the same point with the same intended destination in mind, but arrive at different places at the end of our journey? After all, have we not sailed all of us upon the same sea?

Have we not all been blown by the same winds of circumstances?

By the same turbulent storms of discontent?

Or stories of success?

Yes, we have! What guides us to different destinations in life is determined by the way we choose how to set our own sail. The way that each one of us thinks about the major differences will make a difference on where we will arrive. The major difference is not the wind blowing, but the set of the sail.

So, when you listen to the wind blowing outside, it is the same for everyone, everywhere in the world. What will make a difference in your life is how you react, how you live, and what you do with your day.

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