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Time is Precious

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 225 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Time is very precious. It is interesting to see how many people don’t pay attention to that. People believe that they have an unlimited amount of time without caring about anything. But, we only have a certain amount that is allowed for us to do anything.

The allotted amount that we have is specific and is in no way, shape, or form, negotiable. It’s what we’re given. No-one knows that amount. If we knew, it would be different. Because if you knew how much time you had, then you would see the amount of time left at that moment, and you would realize that it is so precious because soon it could be gone.

Why not make that realization today? Know that time is very precious and you are only able to do what you can within “that” period of time. Each of us has a mission and a purpose. That purpose and that mission that was given to us must be accomplished in the few years that we are here.

There was great man, who was the head of an academy where many people studied. He was also a doctor and a great person so people came to ask him questions. Yet, every day he found the time for a few minutes, to take a walk. People would ask him, “How can you accomplish so much in your life?”

His answer was that “time was precious”. But everything that he did, at any given time, he focused on it entirely. Not multi-tasking. Never.

You are often told that multi-tasking is a great concept. It’s something that we can do, something we can enjoy, something we can definitely grow into. But, it’s not correct.

Focusing on one task and doing it with all your might, with every fiber of your body, with all your strength, will get you so much further. Focus on one task, and accomplish it. And when you’re finished with that, put the energy in the next one. Make sure that everything that you do is completed at the time that you’re doing it. Put all your energy into it and you will be successful.

You might even have time at the end of your day to take a walk, and enjoy the rest of life. Time is precious. Be conscious about that, and never stop.

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