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Unique Potential

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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 178 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

It’s interesting that the process of human change actually begins within us. Each of us have the ability to put our unique human potential into action and to acquire a result that we desire. No other person on Earth has dominion over your attitude.

You create that.

You accept that the way that you wish to.

No one can control your attitude unless you voluntarily surrender that control. You choose; not them. Most people around you that try to influence you merely try to test your attitude. If you condemn yourself by believing that you are unworthy, then again it shows that you’ve failed the test.

The combination of a personal philosophy and the positive attitude about yourself and the world around you, will give you an inner strength, a firm resolve that all the influences in the world about your own existence can be improved at any time. It’s within your power, it’s what you decide, it’s what you choose.

Unique potential that is given to every single human being is a gift. It is a gift from above and it is given for the simple purpose to use it to its fullest strength. Your abilities are all that you’ve got, it’s true. However, you can strengthen these abilities if you want to. You can even use these them to the advantage of making this world a better place to be.

Why not do that?

Why not use it?

Why not change?

By changing yourself you can change the world with it. What an awesome, beautiful opportunity.

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