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Let Go Of It

Let Go Of It

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 158 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Many people, including myself, have questions at times about life and what it brings and what it’s supposed to be. We often also ask the question, “If there is a Creator of the world, where is He? What does He do? How come I can’t see His face? And if so, why can’t He speak with me?”

The truth is, no one has seen, per se, G-d and lived, at least not that we know of. Because to see what is above and beyond is then no longer human; it is divine. There are things we see in life by looking directly at them and there are things we see with our eyes closed; we imagine them. We see them because we can feel them. There are things that we hold onto by grasping them and there are things that we hold onto by letting go. That’s just how things are in the world. It’s just a perception. (more…)