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You Never Know

You Never Know

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 237 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Sometimes a person faces a challenge, and they ask the questions:

Why is this challenge happening to me?

Why are things the way they are?

Why is it not exactly the way that I want it to be, or that I wish it to be?

I once asked my own father, “Why do things happen the way they do?” (more…)

Acknowledge Reality

Acknowledge Reality

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 236 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

There is an interesting concept that when a philosopher sees a miracle, he will look for a natural explanation. The reason for is because as a philosopher, he has to form a belief based on knowledge, understanding, and a vision of what he sees and can comprehend with his mind. Yet, when a truly gifted person, a special soul, sees a miracle and they see nature, they see no comparisons whatsoever, and no difference whatsoever.

When you look at nature, you have to look for the miracle within nature. (more…)

Special Talent

Special Talent

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 235 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

What is the definition of a talent? Talent is a special natural ability, an aptitude, or a capacity for achievement and success. Some people don’t claim to have any talent.

We all have talents. The question is why do some of us outshine others with a talent that we have?

Those among us who have been blessed with special talents, skills, or have received some unexpected divine gift should understand that the purpose of this “gift” is not that we use it for selfish purposes. To the contrary, we should use it to construct a better world, a greater place, and an amazing environment. A home where G-dliness, and goodness, and greatness would be able to enhance our personal lives through the study of wisdom. (more…)

Gradual Change

Gradual Change

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 234 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

You may wonder sometimes, how you are able to overcome challenges and obstacles in your life. You want to change, you want to make a difference. But it’s not always easy. There are two voices within you: One voice, helping you and pushing things that are good and are substantially better than they were the day before. The other voice tries to destroy you and put up obstacles, holding you back.

There is a strategy and a lesson for us to learn on how to fight these battles. In your struggle to banish the enemies within you, “patience” is the greatest value and virtue that you can use. Tackling all your obstacles at once will almost certainly end in failure. That’s just a given. (more…)

Human Perfection

Human Perfection

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 233 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

I would like to discuss with you the concept of “human perfection”. You see, that in itself is a misnomer— It doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t even exist.

The definition of the word perfection is:

Of the highest quality, or degree of proficiency, or skill, excellence. It’s a ‘perfect’ embodiment or an example of something which is of the highest quality or trait. It’s a degree of excellence.

That does not exist, not in a human form. In a G-dly form, yes, but not in a human form. However, because man was created in the image of G-d, we can improve things around us. We have the ability, possibility, and power to change things around us to make it “almost” perfect. Never totally perfect, but almost perfect. (more…)