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Good Friends

Good Friends

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 163 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Good friends are hard to come by; when you find them, be careful to keep them close to your heart. Be careful how you react to some of the things that they say. A good friend is someone that irrespective of what you do, will always be there for you.

A good friend is always there. (more…)

Heavenly Mirrors

Heavenly Mirrors

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 162 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Did you know that the heavens above are a clear unprecedented mirror of the earth below? Everything that you do affects everything else in this world. Whatever you see up in heaven is a mirror of what is down on Earth.

You may ask the question “How could that be?” You don’t see it that way and it does not appear to be correct so how could it be? I will tell you.

Everything that we do affects everything around us. Every action, speech, and thought has its own particular strength and energy that you create which is mirrored up in Heaven. Therefore, when you do think or say something that is good, productive, respectful, kind, with integrity, honesty, or diligence, that comes from your heart and is meant to do good, the Heavens then act as a mirror. From the Heavens comes the exact same goodness. Just as much as you are spreading and showering this goodness around yourself, so the heavens reply to you. (more…)

Guiding Light

Guiding Light

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 161 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

People have often asked me, “How do you get a ‘guiding light’ in the right portion?”

A guiding light is like a coach or a mentor. It’s an important mission, and of course, you will no doubt meet several of those people in the course of your life. It’s critical to you and your future to choose them wisely. A mentor, for instance, is someone to whom you commit a great deal of time and attention, and who, ideally, will take a very focused interest in you as well. That’s what he’ll do, and he or she will be able to help you overcome any challenge.

The process of finding your “guiding light”, it begins first of all with a clear-sighted view of what your life’s goals are and what you should be, both from a career and personal life; not just something that you take lightly but something that you think through. If you’re starting, for instance, as an associate in a job, you might want to choose the person who’s the most qualified in that business to become that “guiding light” for you. Selecting a mentor as a “guiding light” is not just a matter of finding someone you like or feel comfortable identifying with; make sure that this person knows how do you choose or that their genuine history shows success, that they’ve helped other people. It’s quite amazing how many people choose a mentor or a guide without looking at their past. (more…)

Deluded Dreams

Deluded Dreams

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 160 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Do you walk around thinking that G-d is angry with you?

Or are you believing that you have done so many negative things that at this point there’s almost no hope?

After all, why shouldn’t He be angry with you or even abandon you?

You know you have done things that He doesn’t like. In fact, you don’t even think about Him many times.

So, why should He care about you?

Those are deluded dreams at the core of your consciousness. In every single person, there is a spark of G-dliness. It is awake and it is are waiting for you to react and understand. At no point in time are you alone and by yourself. G-d is never angry at you. From above, He pours an insurmountable and infinite amount of love. Love that never subsides nor changes, regardless of what you do, what you think, what you say, and how you act. It’s there. (more…)

Distorted Conclusions

Distorted Conclusions

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 159 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

At times, we are confronted with opportunities to engage in some mundane act. It does not necessarily mean that the Creator wants us to take that opportunity and run with it. Even if it appears that we mainly do so for some holy purpose. It could very well be that in the whole grand scheme of things, in this beautiful universe of ours, this opportunity may have presented us with something that we need to walk away from. This could be even harmful to us. We must therefore assess every new situation carefully.

Naturally we can be partial to a distorted conclusion. We have to be so careful about that. In order to remain unbiased, you have to detach yourself from the evaluation process and you have to be very careful on how you make that decision or what your next move is going to be for any of these opportunities. (more…)