Motivational Podcast
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 138 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Your home should be a place where there are no ambiguities. A place where you can feel good about yourself and everything that’s around you. Where capabilities, dreams, passion, belief, strength, are all there to help you replenish your enthusiasm and remove any doubts. And that is where you resolve your dreams.
That’s your home. Make it the place where serenity and harmony reside – all the time. (more…)
Motivational Podcast
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 137 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
I once heard a story about the Chinese, who have a tale about a little fish. The story goes like this:
There was once a little fish who overheard one fisherman say to another, “Have you ever stopped to think how essential water is to life? Why, without water our earth would dry up, and everything in it would die. All the living things would stop to exist.”
Now the little fish, who heard this, became panic stricken. He said, “Why, if this is the truth, and this comes from men who have higher understanding… I must find water immediately! If not, I could also die!”
The little fish in dread of what would happen frantically started swimming around everywhere and asking everyone around him where he could find this water that was so precious to life. No one had ever heard the word before, or no one had ever asked that question. (more…)
Motivational Podcast
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 136 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
There is a story told about a young child who was spending a vacation on a farm. He had been raised in the city and he did not know much. He was shown a hen sitting on a nest of eggs and told that someday a little chicken, small chicks, would actually come out from each one of those eggs. Now you can imagine, the child at this time was delighted and so excited.
This was a dramatic idea and every single morning he rushed to the hen to find out if the eggs had hatched. He was looking for the miracle-day every single morning. With great anticipation, he would run to the hen, but every day that passed, nothing happened. The eggs still looked exactly the same.
Over time, the boy’s face waned and he became disappointed. One day he gave up hope all together, and he told himself that he had been deceived and nothing would ever happen. (more…)
Motivational Podcast
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 135 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
It was written that when you see the stars, each one moves along its own prescribed path with precision impossible to attain in any mechanism constructed by man.
When you see a seed grow and turn into a tree, or a baby develop into a self-directed human individuality, can you believe or even say that this is the result of a haphazard happening? That would seem so ludicrous. Such belief is beyond comprehension that it doesn’t make any sense.
Once, a 16th century physician said, “We human beings are walking drugstores. In the human being there is a present, invisible physician who produces, prescribes, dispenses, and administers suitable remedies as occasions commence. Had He not created these internal remedies, notwithstanding all the experts of all our physicians, not a single creature of the earth would remain alive.” (more…)
Motivational Podcast
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 134 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
So many people are searching… Searching everywhere for happiness, guidance, and information.
It’s interesting that in our modern civilization, where everyone could have their own individuality, many people depend on others and what’s around them to make up the information that they gather, which shapes their own individuality.
Now people use radio, television, advertising, newspapers, and the internet. The information highway is so diversified and people use whatever means there are available to search for happiness. Most people don’t even form their own value to find real happiness. Some people don’t even know where to look. (more…)