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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 153 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Have you ever taken the time and listened to the wind blowing outside your window?
It’s quite impressive and at times it’s really a beautiful thing. It may feel shivering but it is quite an experience. There are many winds in life and we have all experienced the different types of winds: the wind of disappointment, wind of despair, wind of heartbreak, even wind of success, or wind of goodness.
If this is the case for the winds, why would each of us in our own individual ship of life, all begin at the same point with the same intended destination in mind, but arrive at different places at the end of our journey? After all, have we not sailed all of us upon the same sea? (more…)
Motivational Podcast
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 152 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
As we blend the ‘new’ and the ‘old’ the result is either the strengthening of our past, (the things that we’ve done, the things that we believe in, things that have happened), or perhaps the broadening of our current situations looking into the future. Mixing the two is often a mistake.
What is in the past needs to be filed away. What is to be considered is the future. But before you can even consider the future you have to think of the present. Indeed, tomorrow is today’s action.
Why not consider your future and your present together and forget the past? The ‘old’ and the ‘new’ can be mixed. Our beliefs have led us to make certain decisions about what is valuable to us as human beings, though as the days went by, at times we made mistakes. If you could change that, would it be worth it? Absolutely. You can do that today and forget about the old and just deal with the new. (more…)
Motivational Podcast
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 151 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Isn’t it interesting to know that there are people at times who are given sound advice but they don’t want to follow it? They say, “This isn’t for me. This doesn’t suit me well. I’m not interested to listen.”
Take, for instance, a layman in areas, such as medical science. As a patient, for example, he may well have his doubts about the efficacy of the drug that was prescribed by his physician. Will he refuse to take it until he has been able to attend medical classes or even learn all that his doctor learned in his lifetime, studies and experience? Will he not rely on the authority of the medical specialist? If he has doubts about the expertise of one doctor, can he obtain a second opinion or maybe a third? But when all agree that he needs to take that medicine and the prescribed medical regimen, would he refuse to take that expert advice even if he still has strong doubts about it? So here is the question, why would that person refuse to follow the recommendations? (more…)
Motivational Podcast
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 150 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
What does a person do when they hear painful news? News that hurt you, possibly that might even make you cry? You see, it’s not alright to cry for yourself for things that happened to you, but it’s okay to cry for another person. That’s what tears are for. They were given by the Creator of the world for anyone to use for others, for the pain that you feel “for them”. That might also affect you but it’s really truly for them. Otherwise, that’s a waste of tears.
So, what do you do when you hear painful news about another, especially something that could be hurtful or to a certain extent, dangerous? What would you do with that news? I’ll tell you what you do.
First and foremost, pray. Pray to the Creator of the world that this news be temporary.
Second, have Faith. Faith begins where actual intelligence stops. (more…)
Motivational Podcast
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 149 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Many people have a hard time or find it challenging or difficult to associate with or even live among others. Now, I ask you the question, why would that be an issue? Why can’t you be part of the whole world and be happy where you are? That doesn’t mean that the world dictates what you’re going to do or certainly guide you into the directions that they wish. You have the choice to do whatever you wish, and it is a given gift from Heaven and the Creator of the world, that each and every human being in this world, the only life on Earth which has 100% unadulterated option on every single decision, and it’s called free will. But you have to remain loyal to who you are.
By remaining loyal to yourself, there is a part of you there that is always in touch with your soul. There is a place in you that is absolutely wholesome, pure, and untarnished; and that’s yourself. That’s you; that’s who you are, that’s your inner being, that’s the core of your being. That part never gets tarnished or never gets sullied by anything. It’s you. (more…)