Dr. Dahan’s Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast
Dr. Dahan’s Daily Wisdom is a free motivational podcast. It is one of the best self improvement podcasts online. Everyday Dr. Daniel H. Dahan focuses on an inspiring or motivational concept to help your personal development and provide you with a new uplifting podcast to listen to each day.

Have a Great Day
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 211 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond I wish for you to have a great day. But, what does that mean? It means that today you will benefit from the goodness of the world. May your day be filled with happiness and joy. May you accomplish all of the tasks that you had set out to do. May you see true goodness and revealed goodness in all your actions. May you have a good day because today is the day that you made the decision to turn your life around. May you have a good day because you deserve it. read more…
I Met a Man
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 210 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
I met a man whose facial expressions were so difficult to understand. I sat down with him and I asked him why he was not well.
He said he had wasted many years of his life. He had gone down a path that he should not have, and he had done things he regretted. He said that some things he had done, he had never wished upon himself. He had been carried by the waves of life and circumstances.
Then I asked him, “Today, how are you?”
He said, “Things had changed.” He clearly stated that he had made a difference in his life. At one point in time, he realized that he had hit rock bottom – financially, spiritually, economically, and physically. In every way. Then he made the decision to not do that anymore. He also realized that he was in complete, genuine, unadulterated control of his life. Once he realized that, he made the turn. read more…

End of Life
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 209 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
How often do you think of the end of life, the end of your life or someone else’s life? It’s not something that people want to talk about. Death is something that people try to shy away from. They don’t want to hear about it or they think they’ll live forever even though everyone will have to die. We look around and see everyone passing away, at one point or another, yet people don’t want to talk about it.
But my question to you is this: at the end of life, where would you like to be? Where do you think you should end up at the end of life? Your life, not someone else’s life; your life? Would you find yourself climbing a new mountain or sliding down an old one? Will it be flourishing, fulfilling, enriching, what will it be? Will you live a life of discovery, development, and growth? Or is your end of life where you’re just tired of this old rotting concept, day in and day out? read more…

New Visions
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 208 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Imagine you could open your eyes to see only the good in every person.
Imagine you could open your eyes to see the positive in every circumstance.
Imagine you could open your eyes to see the opportunity in every challenge.
How would your life be? Think about this, if you only saw the good in everyone that you meet and everyone that you see, how would the world be?
Imagine, instead of looking at it in a negative way, you would see the positive aspect, you would greatly grow from every circumstance. read more…

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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 207 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Have you ever thought of the word fanatic? A fanatic seems to be someone who is the extreme, either way too far to the right or way too far to the left. When a person drives and they see someone in front of them, they always think that they drive too slow, and yet when they look back in their rearview mirror, they think that the person behind them drives too fast. So, basically, the one in front of me slows me down, but the one behind me actually is too close to me. We call them both fanatics.
We always think we are in the center. We’re not the one driving too fast or the one driving too slow, and so it is with most issues in life and most circumstances. If someone is way too far out, we call them fanatics. They are too religious or they’re too liberal, or too frivolous, they’re too frugal, they’re too conscientious, they’re too much of this or too much of that. read more…

The Elderlies
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 206 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Have you ever had the opportunity to deal with an elderly? A mother, a father, or grandmother, or grandfather, or even a great-grandfather, a great-grandmother? It can also be an uncle or someone of a distant relationship.
An elderly, to a certain extent, if you look at them, they are like children. Indeed, elderlies lose their hair, their skin becomes very smooth and you can even see right through them to see the veins popping up. They also become temperamental. They become needy. They have to eat quite often throughout the day. Some of them even need to be changed, unfortunately. Many of them need help in walking, eating, or dressing or undressing. read more…

Opposite of Dreams
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 205 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
What is the opposite of a dream? Most people call it a nightmare.
It’s interesting but in dreams, paradoxes actually unite. They become together. You can have opposites; you can have a ball fit into a box and at the same time that box, can be inside the ball. That’s what dreams are. Now, in the opposite of a dream, a nightmare as most people call it, somethings maybe scary. An interesting concept is that any scary dream or nightmare, one wakes up right before the worst happens. Have you ever realized that? For instance, someone’s running behind you but just when that person is about to catch you, you wake up. Why is that? How is that possible?
The reason is that you are the one running. You are letting that person run after you, and therefore, you won’t allow the other to catch you. That’s what dreams are, and so with nightmares: the ability to think of things which are above and beyond your conscious level but not so far that you’re not able to control it. Therefore, right before you wake up, you actually now stop the dream even though this was at its peak, at its worst. read more…

Light & Life
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 204 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Have you ever thought about the difference between light and life? When light is turned on in a dark room there are no new objects that are added to this room. Light allows you to appreciate that which existed there before that’s what it does. Nothing was added. The same thing is with life. When a corpse is given life, the only difference is breathing and then it starts living but otherwise, it’s the same thing.
To be happy, you have a clear conscious or you will kill your conscious, it’s up to you. You can decide what you want to do with that. For instance, a farmer who plants in the spring and then a storm comes and takes it all away yet he goes back the next spring and he plants all over again, he doesn’t pay attention to the past. He knows what he can do. read more…

Be Accountable
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 203 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
I’m sure you recall often when your parents or teachers, or people who raised you, often said to you, “You have to be responsible. Be a responsible person. Responsible for your actions and responsible for everything around you.”
The truth is, that may be a misnomer. Responsible is important, of course, but here is what’s more important, being accountable. Responsible is good because you become an adult. Accountable means that you realize what you’re doing and you’re doing it because there is going to be in your life, and in the rest of the world, some accountability as to what you’ve done to this world. Now, the reason why you want to be accountable for what you’ve done, it’s because you are capable of doing it all. read more…

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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 202 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
People ask, “How do you have a great relationship with your spouse? With a partner, with your children, with your parents, with a colleague at work, or a neighbor? With acquaintances or friends, or people that you’re sitting next to on a flight? How do you become that person that makes others feel better than they are, so when they walk away they say, ‘This was an amazing meeting?'”
That’s the question.
Some people say it’s by obliteration. Obliteration means you don’t exist; you are nobody and whatever you do, consider yourself smaller than anybody else. Obliterate yourself, your feelings, your wants, your needs. read more…