Dr. Dahan’s Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast
Dr. Dahan’s Daily Wisdom is a free motivational podcast. It is one of the best self improvement podcasts online. Everyday Dr. Daniel H. Dahan focuses on an inspiring or motivational concept to help your personal development and provide you with a new uplifting podcast to listen to each day.

Love Me
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Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 201 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond The word love can be used in such a wide variety of situations, we often lose its concept. Children are the best ones to express what love means. When you look at a child, a small baby doesn’t ask for anything. The small baby is just there and they look at you with a warm, kind, deep sigh. They have just slept and if they have been fed, and finished their needs, they are just looking at you. What they say is, “Love me. Love me for who I am, love me for what I bring to the world. Don’t look at some of the things which make me sometime not the person you want me to be. Don’t think of me as a difficult portion of your life. Don’t look at me as an opportunity to do things that are not supposed to be done. Love me for who I am and let me love you the way I want you to love me.” read more…
Birth of Iron
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 200 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
It is told that when iron was created in the world; wherever there was wood, the trees got worried. They thought, “Goodness, now that the iron is here, we can be cut down. We no longer are the majestic vegetation and growth and trunks that’s we thought we were. We could be destroyed because of iron.”
This is not truth because in order for the iron to cut the tree, it must have a handle. The handle itself becomes the axe, and it’s with that handle which holds on to the part of the iron which can cut the tree. Without the handle, the axe serves no purpose; it can’t harm anyone. read more…

Bad Habits
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 199 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
What is a bad habit? A bad habit is something that you should not be doing, but for whatever reason you are stuck doing it.
This is not something you have to keep or something you must have with you all the time. You can change it, but because it is a habit you have become used to it.
The problem with a bad habit is not the fact that “it is not good”; a bad habit actually inhibits your success. It prohibits you from moving forward. What you need to do, is remember that unless you want to grow and grow in the right direction, this bad habit, serves no purpose. If you get out of this bad habit you can do so much more. read more…

Lift Me Up
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 197 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
If you see me at times doing things which are improper, lift me up. Such a beautiful concept. If you hear things that I say which are incorrect or harmful lift me up. If there is something that I have done to you or someone you know which was not right, lift me up. Lift me up on top of the world, and show me, help me, guide me. When you lift up others, you rise.
Here is the key; by lifting someone else up you, are changing the world. What good is it to bring them down? Admonish them? Tell them how terrible they are? What does it accomplish? read more…

Share The Wealth
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 196 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Whether you have a successful life or not, why not share what you have?
Now you may say, “How can I share what I don’t have?”
We all have something we can share. read more…

Living Two Lives
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 195 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
There are people who live two lives.
The one that they wish to be and the one that they have to be. Some people believe that they have to do certain things in order to be accomplished or at least be successful. They believe that when they go to work, they have to act a certain way. They have to speak in a stern assertive fashion. They may even believe that they say things that are not true to accomplish a goal.
But, when they come home they live a different life. One that lets them know they need to be nice and kind, and they do it with integrity. read more…

Show Me
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 194 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Everyday there is a prayer that you can say that will help you grow and change. Ask G-d to show you the way. These are the words that you can use:
Dear Creator show me the value of time. Show me the dignity of simplicity. Show me the influence of an example. Show me the virtue of patience. Show me success to persevere and the worth of having a good character. Show me the obligation of my duties and the improvement of my talents. Show me the pleasure of working and being productive. Show me the power of kindness. Show me the wisdom of being helpful, but show me the joy of originality. Show me what to do.

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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 193 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Have you ever admonished someone?
Do you even know the definition of the word admonish?
To caution, to advise, or to counsel someone against something. But this is often to reprove or scold and is usually ill mannered.
You might say admonishing is good because it can help the other person change themselves. I believe there are two ways to help another person. read more…

Hear the Voice Within
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 192 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
How many times has it occurred, that you are facing a situation, a challenge, or just a question in your life and you’re not sure what to do?
I’ll tell you a secret… You have within yourself a voice. It’s a voice of reason, a voice of goodness, this mindful voice can always guide you properly.
What you need to do is hear the voice. Hear the voice because it is within you and it is always there and ready to help you. At times, we may want to do things that are either forbidden, inappropriate, or for whatever reason not right. read more…

Foolish Talk
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Daily Wisdom – Motivational Podcast – Day 191 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond
Have you ever noticed how sometimes you are around people who use words that don’t mean anything?
They say things that they don’t mean or they sometimes express themselves in ways that make absolutely no sense. Then they say, “I didn’t mean that”, or “that’s really not what I said.”
This is called “foolish talk”.
What is “foolish talk”? Words, concepts, or a pattern of thoughts which are said in words and really didn’t get anywhere. read more…