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Dr. Dahan’s Daily WisdomMotivational Podcast

Dr. Dahan’s Daily Wisdom is a free motivational podcast. It is one of the best self improvement podcasts online. Everyday Dr. Daniel H. Dahan focuses on an inspiring or motivational concept to help your personal development and provide you with a new uplifting podcast to listen to each day.

Chinese Crisis

Chinese Crisis

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 180 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond In Chinese, the word crisis is the same as the word opportunity. Now you might ask, how is that possible? These are two paradoxical concepts or at least antithetical ideas. An opportunity is something that takes you to the next level. A crisis is something that may either drown you or possibly cause an issue in your life; something which is important to pay attention to. Yet the Chinese see this concept as the same. I’m not sure exactly why this happened but my own ideas, is that the Chinese see opportunities sometimes coming out of crisis. When there is a crisis, it’s really not a crisis. It’s actually an opportunity in disguise. I love that concept. There was a scientist who passed away back in ’88 and actually even received a Nobel Prize. He said, “My mother made me into a scientist without ever intending to do so.” Yet he said, “Every parent asks their children, did you get all your answers today in school?” But he said, “My mother asked, did you have a ‘good question’ today?” read more…


Facade - Daily PodcastDaily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 179 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Lately, it has been said around the world that people walk around with a facade; a facade that intimidates them. Why not turn this intimidation into an influence? Use a natural progression of a change. Something that you have within you to change the world and help not only yourself but all the people around you. It is natural, to a certain extent, that we look to protect ourselves by trying to keep a low profile and not make any major social or religious, or even ethical waves. We don’t want to become too noticed. read more…

Unique Potential

Unique Potential

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 178 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

It’s interesting that the process of human change actually begins within us. Each of us have the ability to put our unique human potential into action and to acquire a result that we desire. No other person on Earth has dominion over your attitude.

You create that.

You accept that the way that you wish to.

No one can control your attitude unless you voluntarily surrender that control. You choose; not them. Most people around you that try to influence you merely try to test your attitude. If you condemn yourself by believing that you are unworthy, then again it shows that you’ve failed the test. read more…

Temperature Gauge

Temperature Gauge

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 228 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

In life, there are two kinds of instruments that can be used to gauge temperature. One is called a thermostat and the other a thermometer.

A thermostat controls the temperature to a certain degree. Somewhat warmer or cooler, depending on your need or preference. On the other hand, although it gauges temperature, a thermometer gives you only a result of what the temperature is. read more…

I Am Sorry

I Am Sorry

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 227 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

I am sorry. At times, I was not there when I should have been – and for that I am sorry.

I’m also sorry for the times that I said things which were inappropriate, and I have hurt you. For that I’m sorry.

I’m sorry for not always listening to you when I should have.

I’m also sorry for not paying attention to the details of the things that should have mattered at the time you were telling me. For that I’m sorry. read more…

A New Month

A New Month

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 226 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

It says in the scriptures that with each new month comes with new energy, new powers, and new blessings to the world. Something which has never existed before, a light that has never been seen, prior to that month.

Every month we have a new beginning. On that day, you need to accept those blessings. I would like to share with you some blessings for this month, that you may always be blessed, and with all good things.

May your joy be like the stars at night — too numerous to count. read more…

Be An Ambassador

Be An Ambassador

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 198 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Have you ever heard, in politics, the word ambassador? Ambassador sounds as though this is someone who represents a country, a party, or another entity, and it’s a position of, very high level. I have always thought of the word ambassador as something that was only for the privileged, and it’s true. Imagine the ambassadors that represent many countries throughout the world: the ambassador of the United States in this country or the ambassador of this country in the United States.

An ambassador is somebody who represents an entity, an organization, or a country, an idea, or even a thought, a philosophy. This is what each human being is: an ambassador. This is how you have to think of yourself. You and I, and every one of us in this world are ambassadors. We were sent here on Earth with a mission. Not all of us have the same mission and not all of us have the same opportunities but we all have a mission and that mission can be accomplished to the best of our abilities if we want. read more…

Be Your Wish

Be Your Wish

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 177 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

Have you been told, “Who you are is what your life is going to be,”?

It is said that depending upon where you live, will determine the kind of life you will have. Let me say that this is inaccurate.

You may say, “But I’ve made a lot of mistakes and I’ve failed in so many things. I am where I am and what I have is my life.”

This is true for today, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Whatever you wish for yourself, you can be. read more…

Morning Prayer

Morning Prayer

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 176 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

If you want to start your day successfully, it’s particularly helpful to immerse yourself in prayer first thing in the morning. When we confront the world anew each morning, our planet and everything in it, can seem to exist self-sufficiently, as if there was no Creator at all. Morning prayers will help you recognize that the world could not exist on its own and that its purpose is to be made into a home where the Creator can reside.

Beginning your day this way will help you consciously avoid activities that don’t further this goal. It will help take care of things that are appropriate, necessary, and helpful to make this world a better place. Using every moment and every opportunity to fulfill this purpose is why we are created. read more…

Regular Care

Regular Care

Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 175 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond

In my younger years when I was in college, I had an apartment filled with pots and beautiful flowers and plants. I enjoyed taking care of them. I lived by myself, so it was something which helped me. It was somewhat of a therapy. I would regularly water them, cut them, trim them, and make sure that these plants got enough light.

Love is like wildflowers. Wildflowers are often found in the most unlikely places; but they need regular care as well. These wildflowers don’t need anyone per se other than divine blessings from heaven that take care of them. Often you have to give more of yourself. That’s what it takes. It seems that almost all of our unhappiness is the result of comparing ourselves to others, comparing in such a way where we find ourselves not as worthy, as smart, as beautiful, as rich. Often, people know and think that they can’t do much about their appearance; but the truth is, we have total control over the kind of person we become. read more…

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